Green Tips- Reuse Things

It may seem obvious, but one of the best ways to be more eco-friendly is simple. Just try to reuse things you already have. Little things make a big difference, and your budget will thank you too!

Here's 5 easy, family-friendly things to reuse:
1. Bags (paper, plastic, cloth, any size, even sandwich bags)
2. Food containers, either for food storage, or organizing your stuff, or even for your child's next art project
3. Kids drawings and paintings make great wrapping paper for family members, or cut down to a smaller size for note cards. Grandparents love the personal touch.
4. Kids clothes. Save your firstborn's clothes for your second, or pass them on to a new family.
5. Old newspapers can make great bedding for your family pet, or be the best protection under kid's art projects making cleanup a snap.

Reusing can be fun, especially for kids. It doesn't have to be hard, and really, being more green is all about baby steps.

Do you have a great idea for reusing things? Let us know!

1 comment:

  1. I think reusing is great! At first, it took me a little while to notice how to reuse things. Once I had the hang of it, it was easy though. I love idea #3.
